Tuesday, 25 September 2007

In Dar es Salaam

Been here since the 23rd. As usual, Dar is always an enticing place to be. A few interesting things happened between Monday and today.
  • in the company of the national archivist, we managed to visit the military archives that has some very interesting artefacts. Among the most interesting are those that were used in what is locally known as vita vya Kagera
  • unlike all the other times I have been here on official duty, this is the first time I have been joined by work colleagues.
  • one of my colleagues asked about a certain former university mate (they were together in Australia in the mid 80s) who now happens to be the mayor of the city! As soon as he heard we were in town, he insisted we go there and have dinner.
We are leaving early tomorrow morning so I need to fall asleep sooner rather than later.

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